contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas VIII smt Genap

Pay attention!
Our school will have a debate competition
Participant: all students of MTs Darul Ulum
It will be held from 08-10 April 2017
Prize:  I     Rp. 750.000,00
             II    Rp. 500.000,00
             III   Rp. 300.000,00
For more information
Contact Mr. Jasuli
For question number 1 to 2

1.    Whom is the announcement for?
a.       male students          b. female students             c. all students                     d. Mr. Jasuli        
2.    How many days the competition will be held?
a.       two days                 b. three days                      c. four days                        d. five days         
Rounded Rectangle: You are cordially invited to
A Birthday Celebration
In honor of
Jessica Mere’s 10th birthday
Saturday, January 12th
At 7:00pm
The smith’s
212 Green Street
For question number 3 to 4
Rounded Rectangle: You are cordially invited to
A Birthday Celebration
In honor of
Jessica Mere’s 10th birthday
Saturday, January 12th
At 7:00pm
The smith’s
212 Green Street


3.    The party is celebrated ….
a.       in the morning             b. in the evening           c. in the afternoon         d. in the mid night   
4.    How old is Jessica?
a.       seven years old            b. ten years old             c. nine years old            d. eleven years old  
For question number 5 to 6

Dear Sophie,
I’ve just got the news that our grandfather passed away an hour ago. We are going to leave for Dasuk soon to attend the funeral.
Please be here before 7 p.m.

5.    Who sends the letter?
a.       Ronie                      b. Sophie                            c. father                         d. grandfather         
6.    Whom does the writer send the letter?
a.       Ronie                     b. Sophie                            c. father                         d. grandfather         
For question 7 to 10
The Fox and the Grapes
One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.
Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.
7.    The title of the text above is ….                                 
a.       A bunch of grapes                                                  c. the fox turned up his nose
b.      The fox and the grapes                                          d. the fox in the forest
8.    Where did the story happen?
a.       in the wood             b. in the garden                      c. in the river            d. in the sea 
9.    Did the fox get the grapes?
a.       Yes, he did             b. No, he didn’t                      c. yes, he didn’t       d. no, he did
10.     The word “his” in the last paragraph refers to ….
a.    The fox                  b. a bunch of grapes               c. the grapes             d. the forest 
Rounded Rectangle: You are cordially invited to
A Birthday Celebration
In honor of
Jessica Mere’s 10th birthday
Saturday, January 12th
At 7:00pm
The smith’s
212 Green Street
For question 11 to 15
Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to school.
When she wanted to take her cycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some cycles that blocked up her cycle.
She tried to move all of the cycles. But she couldn’t do it.
Then, she called Adel who had that cycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that cycle helped her. Finally, she could move her cycle and ride it to go to school
11.     Who came late to school?
a.    Dinar                      b. Adel                               c. writer                         d. roommate
12.     What did Dinar want after getting up?
a.       She wanted to have breakfast                                       c. she wanted to wash her face
b.      She wanted to take a bath                                             d. she wanted to take her cycle
13.     How did writer’s roommate go to school?
a.    on foot                   b. by car                             c. by cycle                     d. by bus
14.     The correct form of the underline word is ….
a.    rides                       b. rided                              c. ridden                        d. rode
15.     Did Dinar ask her friend’s help?
a.    Yes, she did           b. Yes, she didn’t              c. No, she did               d. No, she didn’t


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contoh narrative text